Overall development is the main Mantra of MBA at SIMS. Without restricting to the syllabus, a wider approach of delivering the practical knowledge is done here. It had given us the courage and ability to take responsibility at any circumstances. We had conducted various activities like economic exhibition , international week ‘Matrix’, marketing exhibition, Magma, Manegma, Seminars, Business presentations etc with the proper guidance from faculty. The extra curricular activities like Gavel Club, Review (Book) club, Forum activities, extra courses like SPSS, Excel, rural marketing etc helped us a lot. The college has also a strong Placement Cell to recruit the students in good companies and many of our seminars have utilized it. And Last but not the least, I am very proud to be a SIMS product.

Abdul Salam A.Z. (MBA 2005-07)

Co-founder and CFO at Foradian Technologies Pvt Ltd

The minute I stepped on the campus I felt I belonged. There are so many ways to get involved and everyone is so open to new people. Beyond its excellent academic program, SIMS offers an environment where one can actively participate in a variety of activities on campus. There are a countless opportunities awaiting for students at SIMS. The people at SIMS (including students, faculty and administration) are friendly. There is a strong sense of community on campus which creates a fun and open atmosphere beyond the academic ream. I am happy to be at a college where the professors show they care about me as a student and a person. I have a progressive HR experience at present in a Multinational Corporation in Competency Development, Global Mobility and Compliance, Recruitment , Talent Deployment and Vendor Management.

Prathitha Jain (MBA 2006 – 2008)

Tampa, Florida Information Technology and Services

As a student and alumni of SIMS, I would say that I had a very good experience of participated in a lot of competitions. The manner in which programs are conducted and workshops held in the campus is good. During these two years we had excellent faculties to guide us in all our academic activities. Industry visits helped us to know about the industry performance, which would help in our academics The college has provided us with good infrastructural facilities. Our lab facility is excellent which helped us to submit our assignment in time and to know about company cases also. Apart from the syllabus, the Book review, PHP, Linux and Dual specialization courses has helped us lotto enter the job market. Finally, I thank Principal, Faculty and lab Technicians who have helped to form a good career in these 2 years.

Errol Rohan D’Cunha (MBA 2003-05)

Manager – HR at Ramboll Oil & Gas

Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, believes “Education as passion not as a profession” and when I joined SIMS I really experienced the meaning of this statement. It was my dream to do MBA and my destiny brought me to SIMS for management studies. I was lucky to get admission here, my first step towards corporate world. After joining MBA at SIMS, time seems to be short, life was a like pressure cooker but the faculty of our college are shaping us to face all the challenges of management world in effective way. Presentations made my communication strong and gave me strength to face the crowd. I took Marketing as my specialization. Industry visits, seminars, guest lectures updated me to current practical business scenario. Two years of MBA shaped my life with support and continuous development by my professional faculty. And today my dream has come true. I am proud to be a student of SIMS.I am thankful to our Principal and all the faculty members for shaping and carving our future in Management world..

Rohan Jude(MBA 2010-12)

Mktg. Strategist & Planner P and G, Oman.

IMS taught me values. Much more than the lectures conducted in the class it was the Practical exposure that made me understand the things attached to the corporate world in a better way. It was the constant support of the lecturers that brought out those qualities from me that was necessary in the making of a good HR manager.

Sachin Paleri (MBA 2010-12)

Cost & Planning Supervisor,GS E&C Korea

I am very proud to be a student of Srinivas Institute of Management Studies. The two years MBA degree course at SIMS is a wonderful experience with excellent support from the experienced and talented faculty. The infrastructure facilities provided at the college exceeded our expectations. The efforts of the faculty in moulding the behaviour of the students is excellent here. All the programmes like guest lectures, workshops, industrial visits etc. are well thought and well planned programs with the objective of shaping the future of the students. As an HR student I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge because of the excellent coaching at SIMS. I am grateful to each and everybody working in the Institution for their kind help and support.

Ravinarayana K.S(MBA 2005-07)

Asst Prof, Bellary University

SCPGMS has chiseled my vision in life and helped me discover the professionalism within me. I am glad to be a part of SCPGMS family. This gave me an opportunity to be a successful marketing professional and in enhancing my skills and talents and to give my best to the organisation I joined. SCPGMS made me walk comfortably into the corporate world and I was happy to be recruited in the Campus recruitment. The amount of confidence that I have developed with the help of the experienced faculty is phenomenal. Apart from basic education, I had memorable time in this institution. Healthy participation during Magma, Manegma, College day, talents day, traditional day, project work and so on will always remain evergreen in my memory.

Ms. Jita Ramanujam(MBA 2002-04)

Team Co-ordinator, HSBC

Srinivas College of P.G. Management Studies is an oasis, a sheltered space that allowed us to grow into good citizens of this country. Today the very mention of all the work revives many memories, in sepia tones and colour the joys of growing up, the exhilaration of learning, of acquiring new skills, of opening out into the world, and learning to face life’s anxious moments with fortitude. SCPGMS has a culture by itself, and by any standards, a centre for quality education. Be it in the ability of our teachers, or the available infrastructure, the academic resources on hand, or the ambience of the institution all of those were of an exceptionally high order.

Mr. Jess Santos(MBA 2002-04)

Marketing Manager, Birla White

Professionalism is the essence of my alma mater (i.e. SCPGMS). My academic journey here moulded not only my personality but also my professional upbringing. It has extended its helping hand whenever needed. SCPGMS, for me is a place that taught me how to vie for opportunities and tap them. It is a place where I evolved into a better human being and a competent finance professional. At SCPGMS, I feel you have every opportunity to grow bigger intellectually, communicatively, academically. In short, a complete manager with right stuff.

Ms. Bhavya Belman(MBA 2004-06)

1st Rank & Gold Medalist, of 2005-2006 Batch

I am proud to be associated with Srinivas institute of management studies .This place brought a change in me. Being an engineer, the MBA Degree was a different experience all together. My personality changed and started looking at things positively. Great exposure!!!!!! Great Knowledge!!!!!!! Great Place!!!!!!!

Sandeep V Rao(MBA 1999-2001)

Business manager , Chellarams PLC, Lagos , Nigeria

Dreams come true at Srinivas institute of management studies. I was from a rural place ,but after I stepped into Srinvas life changed for me .My confidence level went on increasing with the presentations and exposure I had in this college .The college provided ample opportunity to plan and organize a number of events .All in All A WONDERFUL PLACE TO BE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thirumalesh S.N(MBA 2000- 2002)

AVP JPMorgan Chase, Bengaluru, India

Srinivas Institute gave me a strong foundation in finance .My fundamentals very strong. I learnt the art of leadership in this great place. MBA Taught me Excel in the fast-paced, high-pressure environment. An MBA in Finance with a desire to continue with my studies for CPA (Registered with Guam Board of Accountancy-USA)

David blesson(MBA 2000- 2002)

Financial Analyst, Perfetti vanMelle Middle East

Tool of Confidence, confident of achieving keeping the spirit alive” are the few words where I can heartily express my feelings about my college, Srinivas College of P.G Management Studies. I am very proud to be part of this college. This gave me an opportunity to be successful and I being a finance student, it helped me in enhancing my knowledge, talents where I can be good asset to the organisation Ijoin.1 am recruited in Campus Interview and I am happy and proud to say that strong roots, have always been strong support to me. I am greatful to my faculty for their strong support. It’s my memorable time in this institute which will be cherished forever.

Zara Asha, (MBA 2003-05)

Recruitment & Training Co-ordinator, Birla Sun Life Insurance

Dreams come true. SCPGMS is the place where I realized my dreams. The Principal and faculty of SCPGMS helped me nurture this dream and helped me in achieving the position where I am today. Srinivas College has been a second home for the last two years. It was here that I realized the importance of being part of a team and working together. Our curriculum provides traditional classroom learning as well as hands on training in current business applications. This institution helped me enhance my human resource skills and shape my personality to venture into the corporate world. Even now that I am working, my thoughts still keep going back to the great times I have had at SCPGMS.

Shaun Max Crasta (MBA 2002-04)

R. Manager, Oberoi

Ignite your passion. I was always passionate and had that thirst to have an edge in the world of marketing. My decision to specialize in Marketing in my M.B.A. course was no doubt obvious but also was influenced by various factors such as very motivating and supporting teaching staff and availability of dozens of study materials and other journals which pushed me further and made me proud to be a student member of SCPGMS family. Moreover being the President of Marketing Forum was like a dream come true for me and it gave me abundant opportunities, honed my leadership skills and also made me a team player. Two years of M.B.A. in SCPGMS has made me grow as a student as well as an individual and has given me enough to carry myself through any uphills and challenges of life.

Shivanand M.(MBA 2004-06)

Asst Professor, Srinivas School of Business, Mukka

Srinivas Institute has been one of the important destinations of my academic journey and I am glad to be a part of this. It is a place where I evolved into a better human being and a competent finance professional. Here, not just the syllabus material but also some practical exercises which help when one enters the corporate world. The credit for this is the “innovative” teaching style and “everhelping” faculty and the Principal whom I am obliged for the rest of my life. I will truly cherish the great moments I spent at the Srinivas Campus.

Shrijith Alva (MBA 2004-06)

Operations Officer, HDFC

Although my decision to join Srinivas College was so abrupt, after 2 years of life here, I found that my decision was right. The kind of enthusiasm shown by the faculty members, headed by the Principal to bring the students up to the standard, needs special reference. I can, without any hesitation, say that the kind of environment which is found in the college could nowhere be seen. I had every opportunity to bring to light, the latent talents and to develop the same, during these years of study. I should not forget to mention the kind of joy and fun, I could experience when I look back to the past 2 years and after 2 years, I really feel proud to say that I am a student of this ‘great college’ and I am sure that “gone are the days which will never return and will be cherished forever”

Dhanya K(MBA 2004-06)

Finance Analyst, Deutch Bank

My dream to Join MBA, which was there long back in my mind, landed up in this institution. The culture of this college enabled me to unveil my potential. It gave room to develop and build my skills, confidence, sharpened my knowledge to become an efficient HR professional. “Gods at the shrine cannot speak but the teachers are speaking Gods”. Principal and Lecturers are always continuous source of inspiration to me. In a nutshell, there is a saying that college life is a golden life and college is a holy institution. Indeed it is true to me and always I will be proud to be a student of this college

Kavitha S. B(MBA 2004-06)

Higher Studies, U.S.A

It was one of the college days were glorious days that I spent in Srinivas College are the most treasured days of my life. The amount of confidence that I have developed with the help of all the experienced faculty members is not measurable It really groomed me to take on the corporate world. It developed me into a complete manager by providing opportunities to manage the things to lead the students as placement co-ordinator. The aim of the college not only to provide formal education but also imbibe the qualities to face challenges of the competitive world. I am thankful to all the faculty and administrative staff and management who have all contributed to mould me into better manager.

Ravindra (MBA 2004-06)

Data Analyst, Thomson

My life is hectic”. I’m running all day meetings, paper work, phone calls and appointments. Totally exhausted, I fall into the bed entering into the world of what is called the shadow of death; get up early in the next morning to follow the routine all over again. I feel like I’m being torn apart trying to gain confidence and fight the way over”. These were my feelings when I was working after graduating from an esteemed institution. As a B.Com fresher I joined a renowned organization with a feeling that I had stepped the door of success. It was not late that I realized I was a tiny fish from an aquarium now in a vast ocean full of mighty whales and sharks. A year of working experience made me feel that I was no where in the picture.” Reality shock” as one can term it gave me a feeling that it was not the seasons I was wasting but the crucial years of my life. What next???? Was the question that haunted me. ——–.my survival only depended on my competence. Reading the motto of SIMS (Srinivas institute of management studies),” we believe education is our passion, not profession and continuous improvement is the only way to success”. Here was the ray of hope. Yes … M.B.A was the answer. SIMS has helped to get the dynamic MBA out of us. Swimming against the current with all the creatures in the ocean will no longer be a problem. Two years at SIMS (Srinivas institute of management studies.) were the best days of my life.

Sonia Noronha(MBA 2004-06)

B.Com Co-ordinator, SIMS

It was dream come true for me in this glorious college. I had some leadership quality within me before I joined MBA but after joining MBA in this esteemed Srinivas College, I was able to develop to a great extent in all areas. I was president of Magma 2006, which was a national level management fest and first time in the history of SIMS. This made me explore my planning & organizing skills. Now, I can proudly say that this college made me a Competitive manager of the future. The Infrastructure of the College is very good in all areas, facilities, labs, modern staying facilities etc. This college is growing so fast, that very soon it will be one of the best B schools of the state and also the country. I am very proud to be Part of SIMS and the days spent here were the best days of my life.

Aajeeth Kumar(MBA 2005-07)

CEO, Mars Vapours Group of Companies

SIMS has really helped me to make my dream true. The amount of confidence that I have developed with the help of all the well experienced faculty members is not measurable. I am proud to say that I was the student of SIMS. This gave me an opportunity to train myself to be a successful marketing professional and in enhancing my skills and talents. Moreover being the co-ordinator of SIMS was like a dream come true for me and it gave abundant opportunities to improve my leadership skill and also make me a team Various seminars, guest lecturers, workshops conducted by SIMS have really helped us to boost our knowledge. The unique facility of SIMS is WI-FI connectivity which helped us to browse from anywhere in campus and to collect lot of information. It was glorious college days I spent in SIMS. I will truly cherish the great moments I spent at SIMS.

Annette Sonia Chethan(MBA 2003-05)

B.B.M coordinator, SIMS

It was with great trepidation that I joined MBA course. SIMS certainly helps you expand your knowledge horizon and I would always be grateful to SIMS for giving me a multi-dimensional learning by providing the apt mix of academics, industry exposure, attitude and leadership SIMS has helped me in improving my skills and potential, by giving exposure to the fullest. I am thankful to the faculty members and the administrative management who have helped me to mould myself into a better individual.

Reancy Danthi (MBA 2009-11)

Technical Recruiter, CareerNet Technologies

“Million Gazillion thanks to Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore. The reason I am confident today in Public Speaking and Implementation is only because of this Institute. The amount of realistic knowledge I gathered supported by Placement Department through my Internship placements and Project work is just an irredeemable debt to this Institution”

Gajanana Kamath(MBA 2012-14)

Aditya Birla Madura

“Freedom of choice and option is the cutest part of Srinivas Institute of Management Studies,Mangalore. Though I was an technical candidate,it was that enthusiasm stemmed by the college career cell of exploring varied industry lines bought the absolute confidence in me to give interviews at any sector and any industries”

Rachita Saralaya(MBA 2012-14)


“Thank You Srinivas Institute of Management Studies for making me work out all the tricky aptitude problems in the class. You made us love all the classes involving placement paper solving with a element of fun in it…would love to come back and sit again !”

Suraksha Talekar(MBA 2012-14)

Axis Bank

“Participate! – would be one keyword that I will never forget in my life embossed to me by Srinivas Institute of Management Studies. I believe whatever skill i am able to deliver today is the blessing of this institution. Right from my CV to final interview… Just Participate!”

Achal (MBA 2012-14)

Ambalal Stocks and Shares

“The most important thing I gained during my life at SIMS is to convert your obstacles into favorable opportunities. I always got this from faculties during my internships and projects..This is what I’m still doing at work now “

Chinmayee Rao (MBA 2012-14)

Recruise Consulting

“Developing New Idea was the Key at SIMS..I developed so many things during my tenure here that I just became a critical thinker…thanks SIMS”

Godfrey Thomas(MBA 2012-14)

George Muthoot Corporation

“Campus Placement Drives at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies,Mangalore are always a new refreshing experiences every time. As corporates who visit are from varied sectors and product line the knowledge levels always rise up among the candidates. I feel myself lucky to go through all of these company interviews here”

Joel Varun Gilbert(MBA 2013-15)

CareerNet Consulting and ANZ

“Well it was Srinivas Institute of Management Studies,Mangalore was for me where I learnt how to set individual realistic targets and chalk out credible plans to achieve the same semester after semester. That is why I was a part-time marketing manager for a media house during my MBA and then campus placement at one of the most reputed buiness house of India again in my final semester,go!”

Sunil Nambiar(MBA 2013-15)

Reliance Life

“It is that a company pre-placement talk arranged by Srinivas Institute of Management Studies is why I am placed in managerial cadre today. My Institute encouragement and motivation perfectly blends with direct industry interaction to make oneself rich in his or her Business Insights and Acumen”

Anjali Sugunan (MBA 2013-15)


“I always dreamt of earning salaries in foreign currencies and here I am now with Dutco Tennant LLC Muscat Oman. It was that motivation from my Placement Faculty of Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore who showed me the way to locate my dream job through intense guidance training and support where my goals were realised. I will retrun to this place definitely for further value addition”

Dijin John (MBA 2013-15)

DUTCO TENNANT LLC, Muscat Sultanate of Oman

“I fully credit my placements to Srinivas Institute of Management Studies Role Play, Simulation and Mock Interview series. It is like every day you wake up with something new to pave the way to innovation and creativity which just becomes a habit. Anyways, my hearty regards and pleasantries to Job Cell”

Akhil K B(MBA 2013-15)

Toyota and Innovays Global Data

“My attachment with SIMS will always be a emotional one…It was this placed who turned me into a presenter marketer from just a average level graduate…The Mentoring and Guidance I received from all the Faculties was so precious one that I always will be indebted to the Institute”

Ranjith C R (MBA 2013-15)

Territory Sales supervisor, Kansai Nerolac

The benefit and importance of Forum activities at SIMS is so valuable that it always brings the best out of something.. for me the most important skill of organizing was learnt while being part of Marketing Forum at SIMS…It is this skill that got me through while at interviews”

Saneesh K (MBA 2013-15)

Reliance Communications

I am grateful that i have completed my Hotel Management at SRINIVAS UNIVERSITY. The college had magnificent and enjoyable environment. And had a wonderful and experienced staff. I was very much passionate in cooking, and I got a right lecture who moulded me out very well. One big THANKS to all my lectures🙏. One thing which I liked the most is , we get to do food festival on a large scale which is one of the best experience one can see, and any student can show case his/her skills on this platform. Lots of competitions happen in the college which enhances the knowledge and confidence of the students. Last but not the least ,Thanks to everyone who supported me and guided me.

Thilak Shetty (BScHM 2017-2020)

Currently working as Commis II in "LONDON TAXI", Mumbai

College life is a person’s golden period of early youth. College life is a life of freedom. I believe that humans will always rise above any situation, because life is what you make of it. It gives me an immense pleasure to say that I have studied in Srinivas Institute of hotel management batch 2014 year. Srinivas college of hotel management played a vital role in moulding me in my hospitality career reminisce the friendly and supportive faculty beautiful infrastructure, the well-maintained campus and of the course, the stunning views and weather!! My college experience at Srinivas college of hotel Management has been one that I will always remember.

Chanchal Shetty Bachelor of Hotel Management (2010- 2014)

Currently a Sous chef, Fairmont hotel Vancouver , Canada

I would like to add few words about how Srinivas help me to build my career. Srinivas Institute of hotel management is one of the leading colleges in Mangalore. Am so proud to have such a delightful education from Srinivas. I would like to say that the people who gave me the drive to grow as a chef is no doubt it faculties and their support. It is one of the main reasons to build my career because of their efforts and commitment. The college is incredibly supportive and motivated to build my career. Am so thankful for the Management of Srinivas because they make a great infrastructure and facilitates within the college to make professionals.

Tino Joseph Bachelor of Hotel Management (2009- 2013)

Chef de Partie-Niyama Private Island Resort and Spa at Maldives.

My three years at Srinivas College were great and a memory to cherish for lifetime. It was full of learning and grooming oneself. It gave me an opportunity to meet different people from various states of our country and had better understanding with their culture and traditions . I am thankful to all the faculties, mentors as well as placement cell. Overall, it was a great experience and lifetime memory at Srinivas College.

Dr. Harsha Ashotikar Bachelor of Hotel Management (1993-1996)

Vice Principal - Agnel institute of food crafts and Culinary Sciences, Goa

During my four years of Batchelor studies, I have gained the knowledge and skill that help me to develop my future career as a chef. I am thankful to all the passionate teachers who were kind and well prepared for sharing their wisdom and experience with us. The best thing about the college was being a part of a supportive environment where everyone is focussed, help each other and you are encouraged to succeed as individuals. This academy is special as it is more professional than other academy and focuses on practical training. In every way this academy meets my expectations. The facilities are amazing, and the teachers are very experienced.

Ayesha M Bachelor of Hotel Management (2016-2020)

Assistant chef trainee at BYG BREWSKI COM. Hennur, Bangalore

It was a dream come true when I got a opportunity to be a part of Srinivas College as it was always my prime career goal to be a hospitality graduate and work for repeated cruises. This College gave me the right platform to show my professional talent on various levels for getting the first breakthrough through college campus ( Marriott Goa resort). Knowledge of faculty and having a open door policy keeps you motivated and hungry for more knowledge which grooms you for a better tomorrow in the hospitality industry . IN 2009, I WAS THE FIRST INDIAN TO COME ON BOARD THE DISNEY CRUISES FLEET STRAIGHT AS A BEVERAGE SERVER & IN 2013 I WAS HONOURED WITH THE BEST BARTENDER FOR THE WHOLE DISNEY FANTASY BEVERAGE TEAM. All this could be achieved because of the right tools & mind set inculcated in me by Srinivas college.

Samarth Shetty Bachelor of Hotel Management (2003-2007)

Accounts Executive in Charter communications, Florida ( Tampa).

One thing about the college that stands out is the way of dealing with its students. The practical approach towards the subjects is what made me choose to become a Pastry chef. Because of which I could travel the world as a Chef in cruise line and today I am an entrepreneur of my own Bakery Outlet- Le Aroma in Mangalore. The college and faculties have constantly supported in each and everything. Be it subject or industry-based skills and knowledge.

Rohit V Bhat Bachelor of Hotel Management(2003-2007)

Entrepreneur/ Chef of Le Aroma Bakery and Confectionaries, Mangalore.

Srinivas University offers many specialization courses like aviation, hotel management, logistics, compared to other colleges. I have been so happy and comfortable from almost the moment I got here. a place where students can freely meet and talk with faculty and staff. That helps to create an excellent learning environment for us. They give you an opportunity to showcase your talent. Best infrastructure facilities and highly qualified faculties. College includes placement at the end of the course. Many fests are organised which provide a platform for students to showcase one's unique talents.

Divya M Prabhu BSc(Hotel Management) - 2017-2020

"I am very lucky to be a part of Srinivas University. It was great experience n learning during my MCA at SU"

Vignesh Kamath B, MCA Batch - 2019-21

Developer, Data Template Infotech Ltd, B'lore

"Srinivas University Faculties have put in all the efforts to groom and make me a corporate professional. It was a wonderful experience studying MCA at SU. I have enhanced my Leadership, Academic and Interpersonal Skills."

Sanjana S Pai, MCA Batch - 2019-20

Diya Systems Pvt Ltd

"Srinivas University has groomed me to step in to IT industry.It was a great experience of studying MCA at SU"

Sanath Hebbar MCA (MCA 2019-21)

Capgemini, Bangalore