Administrative Office No.: 0824-2425966
College office no: 0824-2429139
Duration :4½ years (8 semesters and 6 months internship) – Admissions open for the batch 2025
– 26
Eligibility : PUC/12th with Physics, Chemistry and Biology with 50 % Marks
The classes will be held at Department of Occupational Therapy, New city campus, Near
Pandeshwar Fire station, Pandeshwar, Mangaluru and Srinivas Institute of Medical
Sciences & Hospital, Mukka, Mangaluru.
The Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) is a four-and-a-half-year full time academic program with semester pattern of examinations. After passing the fourth year of education, the student will undergo a six months period of compulsory rotatory internship in various clinical departments.
The BOT program is an instructional package developed to suit the needs of students to keep pace with the developments in higher education and the quality assurance expected of it in the light of liberalization and globalization in higher education.
Wide range of scope in India as well as abroad countries such as Middle East, US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. They can work in Government Hospitals, Corporate hospitals, establish private practice, can work in primary health centers, educational institutions, Rehabilitation centers, research centers, community centers, day care centers, vocational centers, special schools and industries.
Students will find clinical training an invaluable supplement to the theoretical sessions. They will develop a broad foundation of applying Occupational Therapy knowledge into assessment and management skills. At present, the Institute gives its students training through:
Note :
(1) University registration fees and Application fees are to be paid separately