Cooking Without Fire Competition at the Institute of Aviation Studies

Institute of Aviation Studies, Srinivas University conducted a Cooking Without Fire Competition for the students of B.B.A Aviation Studies and M.B.A Aviation Management on 09 Oct 2023 in their Campus. The primary objective of the competition was to facilitate the students to think outside the box and come up with innovative ways to prepare dishes without fire. The competition witnessed enthusiastic participation from students across various departments and years. A total of 25 teams registered for the event, each consisting of 3 members.The event aimed to promote healthy cooking methods and encourage students to think outside the box when it comes to preparing delicious dishes without the use of traditional stovetops or open flames. The Cooking Without Fire Competition challenged the participants to create delectable dishes without using any form of open flame or electric stovetops. The Cooking Without Fire Competition witnessed a wide range of innovative dishes that highlighted the culinary skills of the participants. Some of the highlights included Dates Delight, Elaneer Payasam, Masala Guava, Spectacular Crunch Bowl, etc.The winners from the Undergraduate Program was from the team Akrodha - Bhavyashree B (III Year B.B.A Aviation Management), Megha (II Year B.B.A Aviation and Logistics Management), Naj Beegum P R ( II Year B.B.A Aviation and Logistics Management), Second Place was bagged by the team Manipushpaka, Naithika (III Year B.B.A Aviation Management), Mokshitha Raj R ( III Year B.B.A Aviation and Management), Livia Laurincia Mendonca ( II Year B.B.A Aviation and Logistics Management) and Third Place was taken by Anusha ( III Year B.B.A Aviation and Logistics Management), Neha ( III Year B.B.A Aviation and Logistics Management), Nireeksha ( III Year B.B.A Aviation and Logistics Management).From the Post Graduate Level, the winners were John Rodrigues, Pratheeksha S Shetty, and Ajsal K. The Second Place was bagged by Varsha, Sona Antony Kanchukunnath, and Suraksha from First-year M.B.A Aviation Management.