On 19-08-2019, Bharatanatyam class was inaugurated in the College auditorium at 2:30 pm. Welcome speech was given by Dr. Shailashree V.T, Dean, College of Management and Commerce. The event was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the Chief Guest Vidwan U.K. Praveen, Guest of honour Vidushi Usha Praveen and Vidushi Nishwitha karandoor Sharan, Dr. P S Aithal Vice Chancellor, Dr. Shailashree V T, Dean, College of Management and Commerce; Prof. Sridhara Acharya, Dean, College of Computer Science and Information Science; Prof. Pavithra Kumari, Co-ordinator BBA Aviation Management. Prof. Sridhara Acharya, Dean, College of Computer Science and Information Science, spoke about the purpose of the day. Vidwan U.K. Praveen inaugurated the Bharatanatyam class by doing Gejje Pooje followed by all the dignitaries and the students. Vidwan U.K. Praveen delivered the speech on significance of Bharatanatyam. Dr. P S Aithal, Vice Chancellor gave away the presidential remarks. Vidwan U.K. Praveen thought basics of Bharatanatyam mudras to students which led as a steppingstone for the inauguration of Bharatanatyam class. Triyag Bekal student cultural coordinator proposed vote of thanks.