Srinivas University aims to achieve academic excellence by providing multi-faceted education to the students and encourage them to reach the pinnacle of success. The University has designed a system that would provide rigorous academic training and necessary skills to enable them to excel in their careers.Srinivas University is committed to provide a conducive learning environment which ensures comprehensive development of students and make them competent, confident and good citizens. The objective of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme of Srinivas University is to provide high quality management education to students through advancement of knowledge in all business administration functions and development of professionalism, confidence and creative ability in student managers.
These regulations shall be cited as Academic Regulations Pertaining to Master of Business Administration (MBA) Specialization in Hotel Management & Tourism program of Srinivas University (2019 onwards)
Index to regulation
Regulation No | Title |
R1 | Extent of application |
R2 | Programme objective |
R3 | Minimum eligibility for admission |
R4 | Admission procedure |
R5 | Duration of the programme and medium of instruction |
R6 | Time limit for completion |
R7 | Attendance |
R8 | Courses, Credits And Specialisations |
R9 | Project Work |
R10 | Scheme Of Examination |
R11 | Registration For Examination |
R12 | Carry Over Provision |
R13 | Standard Of Passing |
R14.0 | Course Wise Grading of Students |
R14.1 | Absolute grading system |
R14.2 | Conversion of grades into percentage |
R14.3 | Failure in a course |
R14.4 | A course completed cannot be repeated |
R14.5 | Getting a Fail grade |
R14.6 | Pass in a course with earnable credits |
R14.7 | Provision of Make-up Examination |
These regulations will apply to Master of Business Administration (MBA) Specialization in Hotel Management and Tourism Programme of Srinivas University (2019 onwards) having approval of the University/UGC/AICTE as the case may be.
The objective of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Specialization in Hotel Management and Tourism Programme of Srinivas University is to provide high quality management education to students through advancement of knowledge in all business administration functions and development of professionalism, confidence and creative ability in student managers.
A candidate should be a graduate under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 pattern in any discipline from a recognized university with a valid entrance score.
All admissions shall be made through an entrance test conducted by appropriate body as approved by Srinivas University from time to time.
The duration of the programme shall extend over 4 semesters (two academic years). Medium of instruction for all subjects and examination shall be English only.
The candidate shall complete the programme within four years from the date of registration in the programme. The term completing the programme means passing all the prescribed examinations of the programme to become eligible for the degree.
No candidate shall be considered to have pursued a regular course of study unless he/she is certified to have attended 75% of the total number of class room sessions conducted in each semester in each paper during his/her course of study. Any student not complying with this requirement shall not be allowed to appear in the semester examinations.
A student not allowed to appear in the preceding semester examinations due to shortage of attendance, may appear in the papers of the preceding semester along with the papers of the current semester after making up the shortfall in the attendance.
As per Annexure A.
SEMESTER I | 700 | 26 |
SEMESTER II | 700 | 26 |
SEMESTER III | 700 | 26 |
SEMESTER IV | 700 | 20 |
2800 | 98 |
Candidates have to undertake two projects during the MBA Programme, viz., (a) Corporate Internship (b) Research Based Project.
Corporate Internship Project: Each candidate should undertake a Corporate Internship work immediately after the II semester examination and submit a bound copy of the report at the beginning of III Semester. This project, under the guidance of a faculty of the institution, has to be on a live management problem/issue concerning either an organization or otherwise. This could involve a desk study/data analysis/ extension work or exploration of an idea or its implementation.
Research Based Project: Every student is required to work on a project in the area of his/her specialization and prepare a dissertation report under the supervision of a Faculty guide. Prior to the actual work, the students are required to submit a synopsis of the dissertation incorporating the statement of problem, objectives and methodology to be followed and submit the same to the faculty guide.
The dissertation duly signed by the guide and certified by the principal/director is to be submitted in a bound copy and a soft copy to the university at the end of the IV semester and the dissertation shall carry 700 marks. The dissertation shall be evaluated for 500 marks by two examiners (One of them will be the faculty member who has guided the work and other will be the external examiner appointed by the BOE). There shall be a viva-voce examination for 200 marks on the dissertation. Viva-voce will be conducted by Board of Examiners/examiners authorized by Chairman of BOE. Detailed guidelines will be issued by PG Department from time to time.
Written Examinations shall be conducted at the end of each Semester as per the Academic Calendar notified in advance. Each course will carry 100 marks of which 50 marks shall be reserved for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for written examination to be held at the end of each semester.
The internal assessment marks shall be based on factors such as:
A candidate shall register for all the papers of the semester when he/she appears for the examination of that semester for the first time.
Candidates who fail the lower examinations may take higher semester examinations. The results of candidates who have passed the fourth semester examination, but not passed all the examinations of the earlier semesters shall be announced as NCL (not completed lower examination). Such candidates shall be eligible for the degree only after completion of all the earlier examinations.
The minimum marks for passing the examination for each semester shall be 50% in aggregate and a minimum of 50% marks in each paper.
R.14.0 Course Wise Grading of Students
Letter Grades and Grade Points (GP) Based on the semester performance, each student is awarded a final letter grade at the end of the semester in each Course. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points are as follows:
R.14.1 The Srinivas University adopts absolute grading system wherein the marks are converted to grades, and every semester results will be declared with semester grade point average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). The CGPA will be calculated every semester, except the first semester.
The grading system is with the following letter grades as given below:
Grades and Grade Points
Level | Out standing | Excellent | Very good | Good | Above Average | Average | Poor | Fail |
Letter Grade | O | S | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Grade Points | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 00 |
A student obtaining Grade “F” shall be considered failed and will be required to reappear in the examination.
Such students after passing the failed subject in subsequent examination/s will be awarded with “E” grade irrespective of marks he/she scores in the subsequent examination/s.
Number of attempts taken to clear a subject/s shall be shown in the transcripts.
Level | Out standing | Excellent | Very good | Good | Above Average | Average | Poor | Fail |
Letter Grade | O | S | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Grade Points | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 00 |
Score (Marks) Range (%) | ≥ 90 | <90 |
≥70 |
≥65 |
< 65
≥60 |
< 60
≥55 |
< 55
≥ 50 |
<50 |
Computation of SGPA and CGPA
The following procedure to compute the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):
ii. The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e
SGPA (Si) = ∑(Ci x Gi) / ∑Ci
Where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and Gi is the grade point scored by the student in the ith course.
ii. The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the courses undergone by a student over all the semesters of a programme, i.e.
CGPA = ∑(Ci x Si) / ∑ Ci
Where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits in that semester.
iii. The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal places and reported in the transcripts.
Computation of SGPA
Illustration No.1
Course | Credit | Grade Letter | Grade Point |
Credit Point
(Credit x Grade) |
Course 1 | 4 | A | 8 | 4×8 = 32 |
Course 2 | 4 | C | 6 | 4×6 = 24 |
Course 3 | 4 | B | 7 | 4×7 = 28 |
Course 4 | 4 | O | 10 | 4×10 = 40 |
Course 5 | 4 | D | 5 | 4×5 = 20 |
Course 6 | 4 | C | 6 | 4×6 = 24 |
Course 7 | 1 | S | 9 | 1×9 = 9 |
Course 8 | 1 | C | 6 | 1×6 = 6 |
26 | 183 |
Thus, SGPA = 183/26 = 7.038
Illustration No.2
Course | Credit | Grade Letter | Grade Point |
Credit Point
(Credit x Grade) |
Course 1 | 4 | A | 8 | 4×8 = 32 |
Course 2 | 4 | C | 6 | 4×6 = 24 |
Course 3 | 4 | B | 7 | 4×7 = 28 |
Course 4 | 4 | O | 10 | 4×10 = 40 |
Course 5 | 4 | F | 0 | 4×0 = 00 |
Course 6 | 4 | C | 6 | 4×6 = 24 |
Course 7 | 1 | S | 9 | 1×9 = 9 |
Course 8 | 1 | C | 6 | 1×6 = 6 |
26 | 163 |
Thus, SGPA = 163/26 = 6.269
Illustration No.2(a)
Course | Credit | Grade Letter | Grade Point |
Credit Point
(Credit x Grade) |
Course 5 | 4 | E | 4 | 4×4 = 16 |
26 | Ci (First Attempt 163 +Ci Subsequent attempt 16 = 179 |
Thus, SGPA = 179/26 = 6.884
Illustration No.3
Course | Credit | Grade Letter | Grade Point |
Credit Point (Credit x Grade) |
Course 1 | 4 | A | 8 | 4×8 = 32 |
Course 2 | 4 | C | 6 | 4×6 = 24 |
Course 3 | 4 | B | 7 | 4×7 = 28 |
Course 4 | 4 | O | 10 | 4×10 = 40 |
Course 5 | 4 | S | 9 | 4×9 = 36 |
Course 6 | 4 | C | 6 | 4×6 = 24 |
Course 7 | 1 | S | 9 | 1×9 = 9 |
Course 8 | 1 | C | 6 | 1×6 = 6 |
26 | 199 |
Thus, SGPA = 199/26 = 7.653
CGPA = 26×6.884 + 26×7.653 = 7.268
CGPA after Final Semester
Sem.1 | Sem 2 | Sem 3 | Sem4 |
Credit 26
SGPA 7 |
Credit 26
SGPA 8.5 |
Credit 26
SGPA 6.86 |
Credit 26
SGPA 9.2 |
Thus, CGPA= 26 x7 26 x8.5 26 x9.2 26 x6.86 = 7.89
Transcript (Format): Based on the above recommendations on Letter grades, grade points, SGPA and CCPA, the transcript for each semester and a consolidated transcript indicating the performance in all semesters may be issued.
Conversion formula for the conversion of GPA into Percentage is
[CGPA Earned – 0.75] x 10= Percentage of marks scored.
Illustration 1: [CGPA Earned 7.87 – 0.75] x 10 = 71.2%
Illustration 2: [CGPA Earned 7.91 – 0.75] x 10 = 71.6%
Illustration 3: [CGPA Earned 7.84 – 0.75] x 10 = 70.9%
R.14.3 A student is considered to have completed a Course successfully or achieved a pass grade and earned the credits if he / she secures a letter grade other than F in that Course. A letter grade F in any Course implies a failure in that Course.
R.14.4 A Course successfully completed cannot be repeated.
R.14.5 If a student gets a fail grade F in a course with theory and practical components, then he/she has to reappear in the end semester examinations of both.
R.14.6 To pass in a course with earnable credits a student has to score a minimum of 50% of the total normalized marks.
R.14.7 Provision of Make-up examination
For those students who have secured less than 50% marks in end semester examination the University shall conduct a make-up examination after the end of every semester and before the commencement of next subsequent semester.
Such of those students who have secured more than 50% marks in internal test together and less than 50% marks in the End Semester Examination in a given course shall appear for make-up examination in that course.
A student who is absent to End Semester Examination due to medical emergencies or such other exigencies and fulfills the minimum attendance and performance requirements in internal assessment shall appear for make-up examination.
I SEMESTER | |||||
Sl.No | Code | Subjects | H/W | C | Marks |
1. | 19MBAHM11 | Economic Analysis for Business Decisions | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
2. | 19MBAHM12 | Business Statistics and Analytics | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
3. | 19MBAHM13 | Introduction to Hospitality Industry | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
4. | 19MBAHM14 | Organizational behavior and Managerial Communication | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
5. | 19MBAHM15 | Financial Reporting and Cost Control | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
6. | 19MBAHM16 | Business Law | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
7. | 19MBAHM17 | Case Development on Industry Analysis | 1 | 1 | 50 I |
8. | 19MBAHM18 | Certificate Program in Spread Sheet Software | 1 | 1 | 50 I |
Work shop on Ideal Business Model & Characteristics | 1 | ||||
Total | 27 | 26 | 700 |
Sl.No | Code | Subjects | H/W | C | Marks |
1. | 19MBAHM21 | Marketing Management | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
2. | 19MBAHM22 | Production & Supply Chain Management | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
3. | 19MBAHM23 |
Tourism Products of India
4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
4. | 19MBAHM24 | Operations Research | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
5. | 19MBAHM25 | Human Resource Management and Audit | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
6. | 19MBAHM26 | Business Research Methods | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
7. | 19MBAHM27 | Project on Indian Company Analysis & Publication | 1 | 1 | 50 I |
8. | 19MBAHM28 | Professional Communication | 1 | 1 | 50 I |
Work shop on ABCD Analysis Framework | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||
Practice based experimental learning II | |||||
Total | 27 | 26 | 700 |
Sl.No | Code | Subjects | H/W | C | Marks |
1. | 19MBAHM31 | Management Information System and analytics | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
2. | 19MBAHM32 | Entrepreneurship and new venture creation | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
3. | 19MBAHM33 | Accounting for decision making | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
4. | 19MBAHM34 | Tourism Planning & Ticketing | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
5. | 19MBAHM35 | Rooms Division Management | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
6. | 19MBAHM36 | F&B Operations | 4 | 4 | [50 I+50E] = 100 |
7. | 19MBAHM37 | Certificate Program in Statistical Analysis | 1 | 1 | 50I |
8. | 19MBAHM38 | Industry Internship and Viva voce | 1 | 1 | 50 I |
Workshop on Project Planning & Management | 1 | ||||
Practice based experimental Learning III | |||||
Total | 27 | 26 | 700 |
Sl.No | Code | Subjects | H/W | C | Marks |
1. | 19MBAHM41 | Internship in the Hotel or Tourism Industry Dissertation and Viva – voce | – | 20 | 700 |
Total | – | 20 | 700 |
S.No | Courses | Duration | Annual Fee Structure | |
Non-Karnataka | Karnataka | |||
1 |
MBA (Hotel & Tourism Management) Eligibility : Pass in any Degree with minimum 50% marks (NRI : 25K extra in I Year) (*Conditions apply) |
2 Years (Four Semesters) | Year I : Rs. 1,48,000 Year II : Rs.1,20,500 Total: Rs. 2,68,500 |
Rs. 1,00,000* Rs. 85,500 Rs. 1,85,500 |
Note :
(1) University Registration Fee, Eligibility Fee for other State students, Examination Fee, Uniform Fee, Hostel Fee, Industry visit fee, Internship fee, Transportation fee, Sports & games fee, Extra-curricular activity fee, etc., are extra. The course fees mentioned for subsequent years may vary annually up to 6%.
(2) The University Marketing Team will help the admitted students to avail of Education Loans, Scholarships, etc.
(3) The University Placement & Training Team will assist the admitted students to get (a) Earn While Learn, (b) Industry Internship, and (c) Final Job Placement.