Institute of Physiotherapy, Srinivas University, City campus, Pandeshwar organized a free Physiotherapy camp for knee pain on 4th of March 2023. This camp was conducted for the general public of all age groups having all kinds of knee pain. All were screened to identify the occurrence or existence of OA knee. Addition to this complete screening, the most bothering problems were identified and intervention was given. The exercises were demonstrated by MPT (PG) volunteers with the detail of its benefits. Complications and risks were also identified and the awareness plus precautionary measures were advised. Later the patients were relieved with home based exercise prescription, energy conservation techniques and information in identifying the risks. Contact detail was collected from the patients with severe issues for purpose of follow up if required. Approximately 35 patients were screened and provided all the necessary services on account of their benefits. During the camp, about 35 student volunteers including PG students and interns participated actively.