Institute of Physiotherapy, Srinivas University collaborated with Turacoz agencies, organized webinar on Publication writing simplified on 09.12.2024, 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM. Dr. Shruthi Shah, Director – Strategy and Growth, Turacoz Healthcare Solutions was the resource person. Dean In charge Dr. Thrishala Noronha inaugurated the webinar by welcoming the resource person and participants with the message of need of publication writing skills.The webinar aimed to guide participants on the process of writing academic and research papers for publication in scholarly journals. The session provided insights into writing techniques, the importance of structure, the peer-review process, and strategies for improving the chances of publication acceptance.38 final year students attended the webinar. Throughout the webinar, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences. By the end of the session, participants had a deeper understanding of the publication process, along with practical tools to enhance their writing and increase their chances of getting published. Dr. M. Premkumar, Associate professor successfully coordinated this webinar.