1. Abdul Jaleel Kuzhiyengal Mambra, Suphala S.Kotian (2024). Psychosocial and environmental determinants of aggressive behavior in higher secondary school students: a review, JuniKhyat (जूनीख्यात) ISSN: 2278-4632 (UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) 14(9), No.03, 179-188.
2. Ambadas Varma KC , Suphala S Kotian (2025). Emotional impact of youth migration on the wellbeing of elderly people, International Journal of Sociology and Humanities, 7(1): 13-17, https://doi.org/10.33545/26648679.2025.v7.i1a.117.
3. Ambadas Varma. K.C , Suphala S Kotian, (2024) Social Challenges Faced by Elderly Social Media Users: A Case Study in Kerala. International Journal of Sociology (IJS), 2(1), 2025, 1–13.UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) , 14(9), No.03, 139-145.
4. Anil Crasta, D’Mello Laveena (2024) Empowered Narratives: Self-Advocacy, Resilience, and Strength in the Journey of Claiming Entitlements, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, IRJMETS, 6(2), ISSN 2582-5208.
5. Anil Crasta, D’Mello Laveena (2024) Empowering Lives Through Self-help Groups: Stories of Resilience and Transformation, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, IRJMETS, 6(2), ISSN 2582-5208.
6. Anil Crasta, D’Mello Laveena (2024) Empowering Women: An Analysis of Needs and Preferences for Self-Discovery, Self-Esteem and Positive Attitude Development Training. Poornaprajna International Journal of Teaching and Research Case studies (PIJTRCS), ISSN: 1(2) 183-200 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/senodo.13998702.
7. Anil Crasta, D’Mello Laveena (2024) Role and Efforts of NGOs for Women Empowerment in India: A Review-Based Analysis. Poornaprajna International Journal of Management, Education & Social Sciences (PIJMESS), ISSN: 1(2) 148-164 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/senodo.14018934.
8. B.G.UmaMaheswary, A. Lourdusamy (2023).An Evaluation of the Partition Narratives: A Special Focus on Psychological Trauma.International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL),Vol2(1).18-26.
9. Bharadwaj, N., & Pradeep, M. D. (2023). A Lucid Analysis of the New Education Policy 2020. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML), 7(3), 1-15.
10. Bharadwaj, N., & Pradeep, M. D. (2023). Educational Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda and its Futuristic Relevance–A study. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 8(3), 67-82.
11. Bharadwaj, N., & Pradeep, M. D. (2024). Review of Literature and Research Plan on the Emancipation of Political Rights for Women within the Modern Democratic Regime in India. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 9(1), 192-215.
12. Bharadwaj. N. (2024). Digital Technology and Swami Vivekananda: Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Innovation. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 9(7), b200-b209.
13. Bharadwaj. N. (2024). Empowering Homemakers: Transforming Societal Mindsets Through the Wisdom of Swami Vivekananda and Sarada Devi. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 12(9), D364-d388.
14. Bharadwaj. N. (2024). Philosophical Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda: Content Analysis Based on Contemporary Issues and Concerns. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 12(9), D309-d331.
15. Bharadwaj. N. (2024). Sarada Devi's Influence on Swami Vivekananda: Spiritual Guidance and Sustenance of the Ramakrishna Movement. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 12(8), A587-a595.
16. Bharadwaj. N. (2024). Swami Vivekananda and the Classical and Scientific Significance of Indian Festivals: Bridging Tradition and Modernity. Srutisobha (Research Journal of Samskrit and Samskriti), 12(10), 55-68.
17. Bharathi H. Prabhu, & Lourdusamy A. (2024). The sudden wealth syndrome and loss of rectitude in Vivek Shanbhag’s Ghachar Ghochar. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL), 3(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJPL.2583.9934.0029.
18. Bharathi H. Prabhu, & Lourdusamy A. (2025). The Role of Religion in a Post Humanist World. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL), 4(1), 10–20.
19. Bharathi S Rai (2024). Bridging different perspectives: Encouraging Dialogue between Diverse Mindsets. Pearl Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, ISSN:2394-0352.
20. Bharathi S Rai (2024). Moral Order and Ethical Dilemmas in the Mahabharata: An Inquiry of Dharma and Human Values in Ancient Indian Literature. One Day National Seminar ‘Values in Literature’ Proceedings Conducted by MGM College Udupi. ISBN:978-81-970306-1-1.
21. Bolar, D. (2024). Embracing bilingualism: Unlocking the power of two languages. International Journal of Academic Research, 11(4), 222-224. http://www.ijar.org.in/
22. Bolar, D. (in press). Overcoming challenges in learning English as a second language. International Journal of Academic Research, 11(4). http://www.ijar.org.in/ https://doi.org/10.47992/IJPL.2583.9934.0036, https://poornaprajnapublication.com/index.php/pijtrcs/article/view/28
23. Fernandes, Spoorthy S. & Dr. Kusum Thantry D’sa. (2025). Breaking Boundaries: Empowerment and Self Realization in Anita Desai’s Novels. Empowering Women: Perspectives, Policies, and Pathways to Equality. ISBN: 978-9392023-93-4
24. Goveas, C. F., & Prasad, K. B. (2024). A study on the effectiveness of ATM/debit card as a modern banking tool in providing customer satisfaction: A case study among the nationalized and private banks in Mangalore. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 6(1), 1045-1063. https://doi.org/10.56726/IRJMETS48331
25. Goveas, C. F., & Prasad, K. B. (2023). Exploring the issues and challenges faced by sanitary workers: An empirical study in Mangalore. Samaja Shodhana; Journal of the Mangalore Sociology Association, 32(1&2), 93-120.
26. Goveas, C. F., & Kalluraya, S. (2023). Customer satisfaction of e-banking services and products provided by the nationalized and private banks: A review of literature. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 12(12), 84–101. https://doi.org/10.21275/SR231129100010
27. Joseph, S. V., & Kotian, D. S. (2023). Exploring the Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health Equity within Families: A Systematic Review. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 11(4).
28. Joseph, V., & Kotian, S. S. (2024). The Role of Parenting Styles in Shaping Family Health Behaviors: Young Adult’s Perspectives. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).
29. Joseph, Vincy & Kotian, S.S., T. Alphonso. (2025). Predictors of psychosocial development, sage publication (ON PROCESS).
30. Joseph, Vincy & Kotian, Suphala. (2024). Parenting Style as A Psychological Strategy to Overcome Emotional Problems: Young Adults' Perspective. Education and Society. 48(1), 44-51. UGC CARE LIST.
31. Karki, T. B., D’Mello, L., Neupane, D., Shrestha, S. K., & Mahat, D. (2024). Exploring the Dynamics of Death Attitude Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Papers in Dimension (2015-2024). Randwick International of Social Science Journal, 5(3), 318-330. https://doi.org/10.47175/rissj.v5i3.960.
32. Karki, T. B., D’Mello, L., Poudel, G., Ghimire, M., Neupane, D., Shrestha, S. K., & Mahat, D. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Family Dynamics on Death Attitude among Elderly People: A Comparative Study of Chitwan and Jhapa District, Nepal. Nepal. International Journal of Applied and Scientific Research, 2(8). https://doi.org/10.59890/ijasr.v2i8.2400.
33. Menezes Ida Sylvia, N. Vidya, D’Mello Laveena (2024). Exploring Psychological Well-being in Indian Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder- A Qualitative Study. (2024). Poornaprajna International Journal of Teaching & Research Case Studies (PIJTRCS), 1(1),113-125. https://poornaprajnapublication.com/index.php/pijtrcs/article/view/29.
34. Menezes Ida Sylvia, N. Vidya, D’Mello Laveena (2024). Leisure Activities Profile of Indian Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder- A Qualitative Analysis. Poornaprajna International Journal of Management, Education & Social Science (PIJMESS), 1(1),185-196. https://poornaprajnapublication.com/index.php/pijmess/article/view/25
35. Menezes Ida Sylvia, D’Mello Laveena N. Vidya, (2024). Exploring Quality of Life Dimensions Among Indian Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder- A Qualitative Analysis. (2024). Poornaprajna International Journal of Teaching & Research Case Studies (PIJTRCS), 1(1), 101-112.
36. Navya M Patel, Suphala Kotian (2024). Assess the level of Smartphone usage and dependence among college students-case study, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal), 6(6).
37. Navya M Patel, Suphala Kotian. (2024). Systematic review base analysis on the relationship between smart phone usage and Nomophobia among college students, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, vol. 6(2), 1437-48.
38. Nirupama, D’mello Laveena (2024). THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS ON YOUTH SHOPPING DECISIONS: THE ROLE OF INFLUENCER ENDORSEMENTS International Research Journal of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science, 6(8), 572- 580.
40. Pallavi & Lourdusamy, A. (2004). Exploration Of Gyno- Ecological Harmony. An Ecofeminist Reading of Gita Mehta's novel "A River Sutra & quot;. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320- 2882.
41. Pallavi & Lourdusamy, A. (2024). An Ecofeminist reading of Arundhati Roy's " The God of Small Things& quot;, Gita Mehta's novel “A River Sutra & quot; and Sarah Joseph's " Gift in Green & quot;. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320-2882.
42. Pallavi Borse, Dr Laveena D’Mello (2023) Work-Life Balance Among Women Soldiers In Indian Army In Enhancing Workforce Productivity. International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews, ijrar.org 10 (2), 242-251.
43. Pallavi Borse, Dr Laveena D’Mello (2024), Exploring Spiritual Intelligence in Indian Army Soldiers Towards Enhancing Workforce Productivity: A Review Based Analysis. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 7(1), 70-84, 2024.
44. Pallavi Borse, Dr Laveena D’Mello (2025), Indian Army’s Role as a Change Agent in Environmental Justice & Corporate Social Responsibility. International Journal of Indian Psychology 13 (1), 27.
45. Patel, N. M., & Kotian, S. (2023). Assessing the level of stress and general wellbeing among healthcare workers. In Proceedings of MANEGMA 2023.
46. Patel, N. M., & Kotian, S. (2024). A systematic review base analysis on the relationship between smartphone usage and nomophobia among college students. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 6(2). DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.56726/IRJMETS49435.
47. Patel, N. M., & Kotian, S. (2024). Assess the level of smartphone usage and dependence among college students: Case study. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS), 6(6). DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.56726/IRJMETS59317.
48. Patel, N. M., & Kotian, S. (2024). Assess the level of smartphone usage and dependence among college students: Case study. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science (IRJMETS), 6(6). DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.56726/IRJMETS59317.
49. Prabhu, B.H., & Lourdusamy A. (2025). The Role of Religion in a Post Humanist World. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL), 4(1), 10–20. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJPL.2583.9934.0036
50. Prabhu, B.H., & Lourdusamy A. (2024). The sudden wealth syndrome and loss of rectitude in Vivek Shanbhag’s Ghachar Ghochar. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL), 3(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJPL.2583.9934.0029
51. Rai, B. S., & Manjula, K. T. (2024). Moral order and ethical dilemmas in the Mahabharata: An inquiry of dharma and human values in ancient Indian literature. In Proceedings of One Day National Seminar ‘Values in Literature’ (pp. 97–106). MGM College, Udupi. ISBN: 978-81-970306-1-1.
52. Rai, B. S., & Sanathkumar, J. (2025). Linguistic intelligence in the digital age: AI-driven enhancements in language acquisition and cognitive processing. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research, 10(1), 14–20. ISSN: 2455-4588.
53. Rai, B. S., (2024). Bridging different perspectives: Encouraging dialogue between diverse mindsets. Pearl Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, 97–106. ISSN: 2394-0352.
54. Rebello, S. J. A. & Lourdusamy, A. (2024). Review Of Human Relationships And Their Positivity In The Select Novels Of Preeti Shenoy. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL), 3(2), 21-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14175597
55. Rebello, S. J. A. & Lourdusamy, A. (2024). Dominance and Defiance in The Master- Servant Relationship in Preeti Shenoy's A Place Called Home. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages(IJPL),3(2),41-47.DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14201860.
56. Rebello, S. J. A. & Lourdusamy, A. (2024). Mother-Daughter Relationship in Preeti Shenoy’s When Love Came Calling: A Study Using the Framework of Social Action Theory. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL),3(2),56-63.DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14463722
57. Rebello, S. J. A. & Lourdusamy, A. (2024). Exploring Family Ties in Preeti Shenoy's A Hundred Little Flames. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), 8(3), 36-44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14613766
58. Rebello, S. J. A., & Tantry, K. (2023). Mental Health and Interpersonal Connections: An Evaluative Study of the Protagonists of the Novels by Preeti Shenoy. International Journal of Innovations & Research Analysis (IJIRA), 62, 62-68.
59. Rebello, S. J. A., & D'Sa, D. K. T. (2023). Getting Over Loneliness: A Study of' The Rule Breakers' by Preeti Shenoy. International Journal of Innovations & Research Analysis (IJIRA), 3, 1(01), 123-126-56.
60. Rekha, K. G., Nayana, K., & Manjula, K. T. (2023). A Comparative Study of K. R. Meera’s Yudasinte Suvisesham and The Gospel of Yudas. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL), 2(2), 1-11.
61. VIEWING K. R. MEERA’S QABAR THROUGH A FEMINIST LENS, International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH, 12(5), 71–80.
62. Rekha, K. G., & Manjula, K. T. (2024). KR Meera’s tough and tenacious Women in The Angel’s Beauty Spots. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 9(2), 230-236.
63. Strange Elements in The Strange Case of Billy Biswas: A Review. Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL),9 (1), 367-369.
64. Rodrigues, J. M. & Lourdusamy (2025). Empowering Identities: Cross Cultural Navigation in Mitali Perkins’ Monsoon Summer. International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL),4(1),1-9.
65. Rodrigues, J. M., & D’Sa, K. (2023). English Education as a Tool in Women Employment and Empowerment: A review of the existing literature. Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 11(2), 156.
66. Rodrigues, J. M., & D’sa, K. (2023). Indian Adolescent Girls and Quest for Personal Identity in the Selected Novels of Mitali Perkins. International Journal of Innovations & Research Analysis (IJIRA), 3(1), 183-186.
67. Rodrigues, J. M., & D'Sa, K. T. (2023). Girl empowerment in India from the perspective of The Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins. International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science & Social Science (IJEMMASSS), 5(1), 134-140.
68. Rodrigues, J. M., & Lourdusamy (2023). Quest for Feminine and Cultural Identity by Contemporary Indian Adolescent Girls in the Young Adult Literary Works of Metali Perkins. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 8(3), 154-174.
69. Rodrigues, J. M., & Lourdusamy. (2025). Generational Conflicts and Cultural Identity in Mitali Perkins' You bring the distant near. Education and Society (शिक्षण आशण समाज), 48(2), 161-165.
70. Rodrigues, J. M., & Lourdusamy. (2025). Mitali Perkins and the Global youth Perspective. Education and Society (शिक्षण आशण समाज), 48(2), 121-124.
71. Sadiqa Patel, D’Mello Laveena (2024) A Study on The Importance of Career Counselling and Guidance and its Impact on the Psychological Well-Being of High, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science, IRJMETS, 6( 2), e-ISSN: 2582-5208, 2976-2987, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.56726/IRJMETS49746.
72. Sanil, P.S., & Lourdusamy A. (2024). A Critical Analysis of Emergence of feminine in select novels of Deepa Agarwal and Subhadra Sen Gupta from the Perspectives of Children's Literature. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,(IJCRT) ISSN, 2320-2882.
73. Sanil, P.S., & Lourdusamy A. (2024). Exploring Sudha Murthy’s Narrative Mahasweta: A Journey from Rejection to Embracing to Female Identity. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, (IJCRT). ISSN, 2320-2882.
74. Smitha B Thomas, Suphala Kotian(2004). BEYOND SKIN DEEP: BODY SHAMING, UGC CARE Journal Vol-48, Issue:02, No.07, April-June : 2024, 158-162.
75. Soni, M., Lourdusamy, A (2025). Exploring the dynamic role of AI in revolutionizing English language teaching and learning. In Future of Learning: An Integration and Human Expertise in Education – Three Days National Multidisciplinary Seminar (p. 47). ISBN 978-81-956002-6-7.
76. Soni, M., Lourdusamy, A., & Vasuman M S, D. (2025). Investigating the Role of Digital Tools on the Proficiency of Reading Skills on Today’s Generation. Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis and Computational Statistics, 2(1), 9–14. Retrieved from https://matjournals.net/engineering/index.php/JoIDACS/article/view/1386.
77. Spoorthy S Fernandes (2024). Conflict, Communication, and Empathy: The Manifestation of Human Values in Anita Desai's Literary Landscape. One Day National Seminar on ‘Human Values in Literature’ Proceedings conducted by M.G.M College, Udupi. ISBN:978-81-970306-1-1.
78. Spoorthy S Fernandes (2024).Employing AI to analyze Textual Representations of Trauma in Anita Desai's Cry the Peacock. International Journal of Academic Research. ISSN :2348-7666; Vol.11, Issue 2 (2), April- June, 2024.
79. Spoorthy S Fernandes (2023). Echoes of Strength: Anita Desai's Exploration of Resilience and Survival. Two days Multi- Disciplinary National Conference- Erudite organized by Seshadripuram Institute of Commerce and Management, Bengaluru. ISBN : 978-81-951719-8-9.
80. Spoorthy S Fernandes (2023).Bridging Disciplinary Gaps: Interdisciplinary Research for Solving Complex Problems. National Conference Collaborating across Disciplines through Interdisciplinary Research organized by St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru. ISBN : 978-81-963171-0-2.
81. Sudeeksha S Pai,A Lourdusamy, Rewriting Life’s Rules: The Quest For Self-Discovery in the Rule Breakers By Preeti Shenoy, Published in Indian Journal of Psychology ISSN : 0019-5553Book No.22 2024 with IF: 7.986,UGC CARE Approved, Peer Reviewed Journal.
82. Sudeeksha S Pai,A Lourdusamy., From Silent Struggle To Bold Reclamation: A Psychoanalytic And Feminist Reading Of The Secret Wishlist. -Book Review, International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences, ISSN 2347-4777 with IF=7.138,Vol-21, Issue-2, No.34, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal.
83. Sudeeksha S Pai,A Lourdusamy.,A Psychoanalytical Evaluation of Women Protagonists in Select Novels of Preeti Shenoy.Literary Herald,ISSN 2454-3365, Pai, S. S., & Lourdusamy, A. Impact Factor: 6.292 (SJIF). https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Sudeeksha+S+Pai&oq=
84. Sudeeksha S Pai,A Lourdusamy.,From Silent Struggle to Bold Reclamation: A Psychoanalytic and Feminist Reading of The Secret Wishlist , Literary Herald An International Refereed English Journal e-Journal,ISSN 2454-3365.7(6). https://tlhjournal.com/uploads/products/28.sudeeksha.s.pai__book-review.pdf
85. Tej Bahadur Karki, D’Mello Laveena (2024) Gender Perspective on Neutral Acceptance of Death: A study of Nepalese Youth. Nepal Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 7(3), 90–99. https://doi.org/10.3126/njmr.v7i3.70918
86. Tej Bahadur Karki, D’Mello Laveena (2024). Exploring the Evolution of Aspiration of Life in Scientific Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis (2015-2024). Internation Research Journal of MMC,5(4), 16–28. https://doi.org/10.3126/irjmmc.v5i4.70640
87. Tej Bahadur Karki, D’Mello Laveena (2024). Fear of Death Among the Youth: Gender Perspective in Nepalese Context. Internation Journal of Atharva. 2(2), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.3126/ija.v2i2.69822
88. Tej Bahadur Karki, D’Mello Laveena (2025) Death Avoidance Attitude Among the Youth: Analysis in Nepalese Context. NPRC Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1), 73–81. https://doi.org/10.3126/nprcjmr.v2i1.74660
89. The effects of school environment on student aggressive behavior: a comprehensive review, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology, Volume:06/Issue:04, 4692-4699.
90. Thejavathi, Prashanth Talwar, (2023). End Stage Kidney Disease: A Brief Review on the Quality of Life and Death Anxiety Among Patients. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, 6(8), https://www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792.
91. Thomas, S. B., & Kotian, S. S. (2023). A systematic review and research agenda on the influence of the media and celebrities on body image. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences, 8(2), 156–174.
92. Thomas, S. B., & Kotian, S. S. (2024). Beyond skin deep: Body shaming. Journal of Education and Society, 48(2), 158-162.
93. Thomas, S. B., & Kotian, S. S. (2024). Exploring the application of the Body Image Concern Inventory scale in diverse research studies. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences, 9(1), 133–147.
94. Udaya Shankara H (2024) “A Plantation Crops – A review related to Cropping System and Agricultural Research Institutions”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)”,11(7), ISSN 2349-5162.
95. Udaya Shankara H (2024) “Plantation Crops – A Review of the Literature”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 11(1), ISSN 2348-1269.
96. Udaya Shankara H (2024) “Production and Consumption Analysis of Rubber in India”, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), 12(1), ISSN 2455-6211.
97. Usha Rajesh , Shripathi Kalluraya (2024) Indian NGO's in Development: A Review, World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 10-1-13.
98. Usha Rajesh, Shripathi Kalluraya (2024) The Role of Credit Co- cooperative Institutions in Agriculture: A Review, TIJER- International Research Journal, 11(1).
99. Vijayalaxmi, K.,Kalluraya, Shripathi. (2023). Cottage Industry in Dakshina Kannada: A Case Study. EPRA International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Economic Research (ARER), ISSN 2321-7847, 7-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra15608.
100. Vijayalaxmi, K.,Kalluraya, Shripathi. (2024). Contributions of Cottage Industry to Indian Economy. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), ISSN 2455-3662, 92- https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013.92.
101. Vijayalaxmi, K.,Kalluraya, Shripathi. (2024). Research on Cottage Industry: A Review. International Journal of Indian Economic Light (JIEL), ISSN 2277-3142, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.36713/epra15448.
102. Vijayalaxmi, K.,Kalluraya, Shripathi. (2024). Role of Cottage Industry in Indian Economy. IJIRT 162944 International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology 473. ISSN 2349-6002, 473-478. IJIRT162944.
103. Vijayalaxmi,K.,Kalluraya, Shripathi. (2023). Cottage Industry in Dakshina Kannada: A Case Study. EPRA International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Economic Research (ARER), ISSN 2321-7847, 7-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra15608.
104. Vincy Joseph, & Dr. Suphala Kotian. (2024). Parenting style as a psychological strategy to overcome emotional problems: young adults’ perspective, Education and Society, 48(1), 44–51.