Srinivas University, Mangalore.
Srinivas University, Mangalore.
Srinivas University, Mangalore.
Department of Polymers and Composites Technology Institut Mines-Télécom 941, rue Charles Bourseul
Centre Level 3, Block A, Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), University of Malaya, Malaysia
SUCET, Srinivas University, Mangalore – 574146
Dept. of Civil Engineering, NITK , Surathkal.
Dept. of Civil Engineering, NITK , Surathkal.
Dept. of EC Engg, SIT Valachil
Dept. of EC Engg, SIT Valachil
Dept. of EC Engg, SIT Valachil
Dept. of EC Engg, SUCET-Mukka
Brevera Tech Pvt Ltd, Mangalore
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
Srinivas University, Mangalore.
Srinivas University, Mangalore.
Department of Polymers and Composites Technology Institut Mines-Télécom 941, rue Charles Bourseul
Sahyadri Institute of Engineering, Mangalore.