Credit-Based-Grading-System for Assessment of Students

Credit-Based-Grading-System for Assessment of Students

The Scenario: Currently an important concern which is strongly mentioned in recent times by the University Grants Commission (UGC), the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), is the need to develop a Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) in tune with global trends and the adoption of a proper grading system for measuring performance of the learner. Recommendation of the UGC in its Action Plan for Academic and Administrative Reforms “……. Curricular flexibility and learners’ mobility is an issue that warrants our urgent attention. These can be addressed by introducing credit based courses and credit accumulation. In order to provide with some degree of flexibility to learners, we need to provide for course duration in terms of credit hours and also a minimum as well as a maximum permissible span of time in which a course can be completed by a learner…Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) imminently fits into the emerging socioeconomic milieu, and could effectively respond to the educational and occupational aspirations of the upcoming generations. In view of this, institutions of higher education in India would do well to invest thought and resources into introducing CBCS. Aided by modern communication and information technology, CBCS has a high probability to be operational efficiently and effectively — elevating learners, institutions and higher education system in the country to newer heights…”.

The major system engaged in Higher Education in the global scenario is operating a system of credits. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the ‘National Qualifications Framework’ in Australia, the Pan-Canadian Protocol on the Transferability of University Credits, the Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CATS) in the UK as well as the systems operating in the US, Japan, etc are already in a system of credit to measure the level of competency.

In tune of the above scenario the Srinivas University has adopted a credit-based-grading- system for the purpose of assessment of the students, which will be acceptable to the global universities.


Advantages of the Credit-Based-Grading-System:

Respects ‘Student Autonomy’. Represents a shift in focus from teaching based to learning education since the workload is based on the investment of time in learning.

Records student’s workload realistically. It calculates not only the time spend by the students in lectures or seminars but also the time they need for individual learning and the preparation of examinations etc.

Helps self-learning.

Students may undertake as many credits as they can cope with without repeating all the courses (papers) in a given semester if they unsuccessful in one or more courses (papers).

Offers more flexibility to the students allowing them to choose inter-disciplinary (known as Extra-Departmental papers) courses along with major courses, which makes education more broad-based.

Facilitates students’ mobility. Providing opportunity to transfer the credit earned at one institution to another. Provide more transparency and compatibility between different educational structures.

The Srinivas University adopts absolute grading system wherein the marks are converted to grades, and every semester results will be declared with  semester   grade  point  average  (SGPA)   and  Cumulative Grade  Point Average (CGPA). The CGPA will be  calculated every semester, except the first semester.

The grading  system  is with the  following letter  grades  as  given below:

Grades and Grade Points

Level Out standing Excellent Very good Good Above Average Average Poor Fail
Letter Grade O S A B C D E F
Grade Points 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 00

A student obtaining Grade “F” shall be considered failed and will be required to reappear in the examination.

Such students after passing the failed subject in subsequent examination/s will be   awarded with “E” grade irrespective of marks he/she scores in the subsequent examination/s.

Number of attempts taken to clear a subject/s shall be shown in the transcripts.

Level Out standing Excellent Very good Good Above Average Average Poor Fail
Letter Grade O S A B C D E F
Grade Points 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 00
Score (Marks) Range (%) ≥ 90 <90






< 65


< 60


< 55

≥ 50
